Pre-Construction is the purchase of the total home package prior to its being constructed. The home buyer can circumvent the sometimes painful and arduous task of finding the land, the right architect, the right builder and the months of predevelopment. The land has been purchased; detailed floor plans have been drawn; construction sets, and permits are already in place.  This plan facilitates a faster completion date.
New Construction is when the home is in early stages of construction. This stage brings more buyers, bidding, more competition.
Step-in Construction is a recent concept advanced by Rodrigo Gustavo Quizhpi owner of Quizhpi Carpentry Corporation where the buyer can "step in" to the project when the exterior structure and interior structures are completed. Here is found the unique opportunity for a buyer to customize and personalize the interior rooms, finishes, landscaping, etc. to his/her own tastes. Stepping-in may be right for you.